Wednesday, November 4, 2009

too many cookies

This morning I woke up at 4am, read for an hour, and couldn't fall asleep again. I managed to stay inside until about 7:40, by which time it was light and I decided to try my luck outside.

Stefan, I went looking for the breakfast place you told me about. I walked across the park and started down the side of the street, searching for a little alley that looked like it might contain egg pancake things. Eventually I found this little quiet street with two-story apartments that looked like they were built in an alternate future imagined in the 1950's. Everything was very quiet and turquoise. No breakfast places though. I went around the block and passed a few restaurants that didn't seem to fit the description you gave me, and then finally decided to try one of them. It's the first food place you come to if you go past the 7-11 and then turn immediately right. People were driving up to it on their motorbikes and ordering breakfast to go on their way to work. The place itself was sort of a restaurant but open on two sides and with a big kitchen-booth-stall in the front where people could order from the street. I guess that doesn't sound very unusual. I walked up to the stall counter and said I was searching for breakfast, and tried to pronounce the name you gave me. I said it wrong, but as she was trying to understand what I was saying, the lady held up a thin sort of crepe that looked like it had onions cooked into it. I nodded, and she said "dam bing!" and the lights went on. There actually was a middle-aged guy working there too, with a wide face and silverish hair. He was making the drinks, and I asked for a hot red tea. After about a minute the lady handed me a plastic bag. Inside, there was another plastic bag containing some pieces of something hot. As you described, it was some kind of fried egg wrapped in crepe and soaked in a sweetish soy sauce. Thanks for the recommendation, it was amazing! I've never eaten hot food out of a flimsy plastic baggie with chopsticks before, and I think next time I'll ask them for it on a plate, but I'm definitely going back there. The tea was also served kind of bubble-tea style, very sweet, in a plastic cup with a cover and a little straw to poke through it. Drinking the scalding tea out of the soft plastic, I couldn't help imagining all the little plastic particles melting into the tea, wreaking their cancerous havoc. Thinking I might have stumbled on the right place after all, I asked the middle-aged guy if he knew anybody by the names of Stefan, Andreas, or Fang Yuan, but he said he didn't.

I'd better go; I'm meeting Ivy, my conversation partner, for dinner. I bought a cable for my camera so I can upload pictures, but I'll have to do it tomorrow. Maybe I'll also get around to explaining the title of this post tomorrow too.

1 comment:

jenelow said...

Hi Isaac,

Your blog is great! I laughed out loud at the "cancerous particles floating in the scalding tea." Good luck with your continuing adventures.

Love, James